Santa’s Little Helpers hahaha

My family’s Christmas tree this year…START the Whobilation music!!!

There are times for every family when we see closer, stronger, and generally sweeter. For my family, the holidays seem to bring out the best in us. I have always loved Thanksgiving and Christmas although I never really experienced it until my mother married her former husband. He is for all intents and purposes the man I call my “Dad”. Today marked the start of the holiday season or what I refer to as the WHOBILATION…hehe I LOVE the Grinch! Anyway, as is tradition in our family, the women cook the meal and the men serve the dessert. This year, we had to make twice as much as we normally do though.

It used to be that Thanksgiving included the Toole Family, the Bassford family, The Seawrights, and the Lewis’. For the first time, we had outsiders in our private thanksgiving feast haha. Terrance was there, as was my Dad’s new girlfriend. Needless to say, I’m glad that my parent separated on friendly terms and still remain friends after their divorce. Nevertheless, there were a lot more mouths to feed. However, considering the annual football game and parade watch, I’m glad they came. If nothing else, more people means more apple pie!

I woke up extremely early just because I was so excited, so I sat in the sun room with my hot chocolate and polished off my ornaments that my brothers brought down from the attic yesterday. After pastries and the parade, keeping with tradition, the women were put out of our house and sent away while the men finished dessert and screamed at the t.v. about the football game.

It was great. I mean fan-stinking-tastic, until the dreaded holiday greeting card photos. That created a lot of issues as you can imagine. I mean who classifies as family in a group as undefined as ours is??? By the time dinner rolled around, we were all exhausted, hungry, and ready for Black Friday shopping. Still, we didn’t hesitate to crack jokes, drown in egg nog, or tell ridiculous stories like we always do. After all of that, all we wanted to do was sleep but we still had one important thing left to do.

Trimming the Christmas Tree.

Between the thirty of us, and the step stools that we affectionately call Santa’s helpers, the tree was looking beautiful in no time. The older people settled in the living room to watch Charlie Brown, while the kids went to the den to play Just Dance for the thousandth time. But the most perfect part??? B.C. AND I ARE OFFICIALLY A COUPLE. Or at least that’s what Kay has been screaming for the past hour. When he asked, it was unexpected given that we were in the middle of dinner but I will work with him on his timing later. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, if you’re American that is, and that you have a great holiday season.

Peace, Blessings, and Much love,

Semmie  ❤