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Holiday Madness

I don’t know if you have seen it or not, Thursday night I got all dressed up to see Breaking Dawn with B.C., Kay, and her boyfriend Terrance. It was so awesome. Although, Stephanie Meyer and I should talk about her plot twists. I almost had a heart attack. In case you were wondering, I’m Team Switzerland. I’m kind of sad that there won’t be anymore movies. But at least now I can get through the movie theaters. But, I digress. The best part was seeing Kay! I’m so happy that my sister is back, I don’t think I could survive a Bassford-Toole Family Thanksgiving without her. I need somebody there to wake me up from my food-induced comas.  She’s only been home for twenty four hours and so far we have been together.

I missed our girl time. We were up half the night painting our nails, watching movies, and giggling  so much that Mrs B. came in to send us off to bed…just like old times. Only not so much. Kay has a boyfriend that we don’t know for the first time ever. There is definitely going to be some testing going on Thursday. I can see it now. It’s going to be like the Spanish Inquisition. Poor Terrance…my brothers are bad enough without B.C..

As far as B.C. and I go, we are not a couple. He’s “dragging his feet”. I just hope that if he does ask me to be his girlfriend he doesn’t do anything cliche. I don’t want anything dramatic. Just keep it simple and personal, ya know? ANYWAY, I do owe him a big favor. Apparently, my body doesn’t want to cooperate. I forgot to take my medications, so I had a seizure in the middle of breakfast. Or at least that’s what I was told because I don’t remember exactly what happened.

Needless to say, I woke up with a horrible headache, which I am still fighting. After I woke up, I remember him being there and asking if I was okay. I realized what happened when he asked and I got embarrassed almost instantaneously. I mean, Kay and B.C. have seen it before. Terrance is another story, though. He doesn’t know me and I didn’t want Kay to have to explain that to him. I can’t take sympathy. In fact, I was so mortified I asked Mrs. B take me to my parents house.

Still, it’s things like this that scare me. I don’t know what will happen and even with medication I can’t control my body. I keep thinking about the future. What about B.C.. If we do get married and live happily ever after like Kay keeps saying we will, I can’t ask him to take care of me for the rest of my life. I don’t know if I’ll ever really be totally independent. What about children? Oh my head is starting to throb.

Regardless to the unknowns, I want this to be a good Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a great week and I’ll see you Wednesday evening hopefully.

P.S: Say hello to my wonderful sister who typed my every word without fail, hopefully. I told her it would make me feel better.

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